Register for a free account and build your developer profile.
Free weekly technical webinars, seminars, expert panels, and peer-group events
New User orientation classes
Beginner through advanced training events
Advisory and other professional services
A Developer Directory where you can find developers and project managers
A Marketplace with useful program modules, templates, and complete applications.
An exclusive members-only discussion forum
Online help resources and Best Practices guides
Access to experts such as Project Managers, Database Administrators, etc.
Plus a wide range of networking opportunities within the IADN membership including roundtable discussions on topics like requirements planning, project budgeting, and best practices for scheduling, testing, and product release, etc.
New User Program
Free orientation sessions lead by experienced Alpha developers.
Free weekly developer-led networking sessions where you will meet other developers who will be eager to hear about your progress and to assist you.
Meet with your Primary Advisor who will help you make the best use of available resources and the Alpha platform.
Membership Levels
Profile Only (no cost): Access to the Friday Webinar and the Members Forum but no other member benefits. Login to view products you have purchased, receive our newsletter, etc.
Regular Membership ($225/yr): Standard membership with access to webinars, webinar videos, members-only activities, highlighted on our Member List. Tips and Tricks: A library of short videos with instructions and help on useful topics.
Certified Developer Membership ($395/yr): Membership benefits plus a full-page professional profile, work portfolio, testimonial listing, and more, plus highlighted in the Member's Directory and separate listing in the Developer Directory* making it easy for potential clients to find you. You will also have access to the Jobs coming through the Service Request form.